Friday, November 14, 2008


Not many people except the Polish know this singer, so it's worth to share his music.
We've used his songs in many school performances: Valentine's Day, Spring Day, Education Day...etc
Next time we're going to present more modern music :-)

Marek Grechuta
(1945-2006) was a Polish singer, songwriter, composer, and lyricist,famous and beloved in Poland throughout his professional musical career.
Grechuta scored a large number of popular hits, with his songs often characterized by his use of poetic and literary elements.

“Unceratainty” is a poem by Adam Mickewicz

Adam Mickiewicz (1798 – 1855) is generally regarded as the greatest Polish Romantic poet.

Listen to Marek Grechuta singing “Uncerainty”

How does the Polish laguage sound?

Adam Mickiewicz

Gdy cię nie widzę, nie wzdycham, nie płaczę,
Nie tracę zmysłów, kiedy cię zobaczę;
Jednakże gdy cię długo nie oglądam,
Czegoś mi braknie, kogoś widzieć żądam;
I tęskniąc sobie zadaję pytanie:
Czy to jest przyjaźń? czy to jest kochanie?

Gdy z oczu znikniesz, nie mogę ni razu
W myśli twojego odnowić obrazu?
Jednakże nieraz czuję mimo chęci,
Że on jest zawsze blisko mej pamięci.
I znowu sobie powtarzam pytanie:
Czy to jest przyjaźń? czy to jest kochanie?

Cierpiałem nieraz, nie myślałem wcale,
Abym przed tobą szedł wylewać żale;
Idąc bez celu, nie pilnując drogi,
Sam nie pojmuję, jak w twe zajdę progi;
I wchodząc sobie zadaję pytanie;
Co tu mię wiodło? przyjaźń czy kochanie?

by Adam Mickiewicz

While I don't see you, I don't shed a tear
I never lose my senses when you're near,
But, with our meetings few and far between
There's something missing, waiting to be seen.
Is there a name for what I'm thinking of?
Are we just friends? Or should I call this love?

As soon as we have said our last good-byes,
Your image never floats before my eyes;
But more than once, when you have been long gone,
I seemed to feel your presence linger on.
I wonder then what I've been thinking of.
Are we just friends? Or should I call this love?

When I'm downcast, I never seek relief
By pouring out my heart in tales of grief;
Yet, as I wander aimlessly, once more
I somehow end up knocking at your door;
What brought me here? What am I thinking of?
Are we just friends? Or should I call this love?

translator not known