St. Andrew’s night is celebrated in Poland since the XVI century. There is a long tradition of fortune telling on the November 30th in Poland. The most popular is pouring hot melted wax through a key into a bawl of cold water - hardened wax is held up to the light and the future is guessed from its shadow cast on the wall. The shape of the shadow is observed from different angles. The candlelight create an unusual atmosphere of this evening.
Another custom was arrange the shoes of all the girls one after another along the wall and move gradually in the same order to the door. The girl whose shoe would first cross the doorstep would be married first. One more belief was to try to remember your dream at St. Andrew’s night - if you would see a man in a dream - this might be your future husband.
Presently people do not take seriously the fortune-telling during st. Andrew Day but this day is still celebrated because it is lots of fun. Each year at our school students have a dicsco party at St Andrew’s Day.