This is the first spring flowers.
And this is how we call them in Slovene language.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Česnov kruh
We translated the recipe and prepared the dish Brusehetta. We call it Česnov kruh.
This is how we made it.
This is how we made it.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
We had special visitors at school last week and we'd like to share some photos with you.The visitors were paragliding instructors. Gliding and paragliding becomes more and more popular in our area. ŻAR Mountain is the local center of these sports.
Our guests told us all about flying the wing.
The paraglider sits in a harness suspended below a fabric wing. The shape of the wing is formed by its suspension lines and the pressure of air entering vents in the front of the wing. Paragliding is a recreational and competitive flying sport. Is is also classified as exteme or adventure sport.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
GREECE Narration
We are reading for you one story in Greek and then in English. Our aim is to present in an uninterrupted way how our language sounds, so that you get the feeling of it and not just the verbal knowledge. The story is read by our students Eleni and Aggeliki.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
These are a few pictures from our last eTwinning meeting. You can see our team enjoying Italian "Bruschetto" in Slovak languages "Hrianky s cesnakom". Thanks all our partners for your beautiful postcards and wishes.
... bye, bye...
... bye, bye...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
GREECE-School Hip Hop
Did you really believe we would seriously have second thoughts about dancing? :) We forgot to mention that we do not have second thoughts about anything. We think once and we think profoundly...and Ha! "dancer" is our middle name, had we forgotten to bring that up too? What a pity! First watch and then we arrange that competition thing. Unless somebody's feet are trembling now! (Especially dedicated to our beloved friends from Poland).
Monday, December 15, 2008
Listen to some Polish tonguetwisters.
Ania and Kasia, 6c:
"Bursztynowy pierścionek."
Amber ring.
"Szedł sobie Sasza szosą, w czasie suszy szosa sucha."
Sasza was walking along the street, the street's dry during the drought.
"W Szczebrzeszynie chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie, a Szczebrzeszyn z tego słynie."
The beetle sings in the reed in Szczebrzeszyn city, and Szczebrzeszyn is famous for that.
"Nie słuchaj bezmyślnej sprzeczki uczenninc."
Don't listen to thoughtless quarrel of the students.
"I cóż, że ze Szwecji."
So what, that it's from Sweden.
Ania and Kasia, 6c:
"Bursztynowy pierścionek."
Amber ring.
"Szedł sobie Sasza szosą, w czasie suszy szosa sucha."
Sasza was walking along the street, the street's dry during the drought.
"W Szczebrzeszynie chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie, a Szczebrzeszyn z tego słynie."
The beetle sings in the reed in Szczebrzeszyn city, and Szczebrzeszyn is famous for that.
"Nie słuchaj bezmyślnej sprzeczki uczenninc."
Don't listen to thoughtless quarrel of the students.
"I cóż, że ze Szwecji."
So what, that it's from Sweden.
The Greek Alphabet
We believe this is worth sharing with you. This is our alphabet. And since we know it is difficult to pronounce the letters in greek writing, we have also written their sounds in the latin alphabet, that is phonetically. Well, now learn them because we are going to examine you soon...:)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Greek Clothing
Here we introduce you to the names of clothes. As you can clearly see we have included all well known brands...
Sunday, December 7, 2008

St. Andrew’s night is celebrated in Poland since the XVI century. There is a long tradition of fortune telling on the November 30th in Poland. The most popular is pouring hot melted wax through a key into a bawl of cold water - hardened wax is held up to the light and the future is guessed from its shadow cast on the wall. The shape of the shadow is observed from different angles. The candlelight create an unusual atmosphere of this evening.
Another custom was arrange the shoes of all the girls one after another along the wall and move gradually in the same order to the door. The girl whose shoe would first cross the doorstep would be married first. One more belief was to try to remember your dream at St. Andrew’s night - if you would see a man in a dream - this might be your future husband.
Presently people do not take seriously the fortune-telling during st. Andrew Day but this day is still celebrated because it is lots of fun. Each year at our school students have a dicsco party at St Andrew’s Day.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Philosophical Conference in Tripoli
This is a very short video from a philosophical conference (Ethics & Politics) that our teacher organised on behalf of the University of Athens at the weekend of 29th and 30th of November. Here it is he at the pontium at the start of his speech. The conference was a great success and gathered a total of about 260 people.
Dear friends.
We admire your culture very much. We are very sory there is not enought time to post some videos about Slovakia and our art. We are sure that if you are interested you know where to find information. We have prefered to post what have our team members made and some of the most interesting activities of our school life which are worth to be shared.
We admire your culture very much. We are very sory there is not enought time to post some videos about Slovakia and our art. We are sure that if you are interested you know where to find information. We have prefered to post what have our team members made and some of the most interesting activities of our school life which are worth to be shared.
Cued speach
When talking with deaf and dumb person it is good to know some gestures. See our girls - gestikulators showing:
1. A child is climbing.
2. A girl is sitting in the living room.
3. Mother is sitting in the kitchen.
... by Barbara, Simona, Diana - 11 - 12 years old.
When talking with deaf and dumb person it is good to know some gestures. See our girls - gestikulators showing:
1. A child is climbing.
2. A girl is sitting in the living room.
3. Mother is sitting in the kitchen.
... by Barbara, Simona, Diana - 11 - 12 years old.
Let us share with you some photo from interesting actvity which has became a traditional for our 1st grade pupils (begginers) called "Matriculation to the pupils´ union". Barbara 12 years old, Diana 11 years old
Let us share with you some photo from interesting actvity which has became a traditional for our 1st grade pupils (begginers) called "Matriculation to the pupils´ union". Barbara 12 years old, Diana 11 years old
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Photos from Greece
Every place has wonderful beauties. Through our eyes we show you some of the beauties of our country. Don't forget to turn your speakers on and pretty loud!
Dear friends from Greece,
We admire your culture and history which is the timeless strength of Greece.
We have great respect to your cultural heritage.
Thank you for sharing.
What we can say is: WE LOVE GREECE :-)
We have great respect to your cultural heritage.
Thank you for sharing.
What we can say is: WE LOVE GREECE :-)
Greek Composer Mimis Plessas
Mimis Plessas is one of the most popular Greek composers. He wrote great music for films. His music, although written in the sixties is still extremely popular and sung by all generations. The song that follows is from a famous film and it is called "Tha pio apopse to feggari" (I will drink the moon tonight). The woman who dances in front is Mary Chronopoulou, a film star of the time. The singer, also very famous here, is called Yiannis Poulopoulos.
Greek Hip Hop Band
A popular hip hop band "Goin Through" plays "Kleiste mu to stoma", which means "Shut my mouth". It is a song about the fires of 2007 which devastated a big part of forest in southern and central Greece. The video also mocks the attitude of the Press during that period.
Greek Film from the 1960's
The actress starring here is Aliki Vougiouklaki, the most popular and greatest Greek film star ever. The music heard in the film is composed by Manos Hatzidakis, a great composer of this century. Hatzidakis is also an Oscar winner for the film "Never on Sunday". This film here is called "I Aliki sto Naftiko" (Aliki in the Navy), a comedy of the decade of the sixties. The story is that Aliki is in love with a young man who is in the Navy. Unfortunately her father is the Captain of the ship. So she disguises into a sailor herself and intrudes in the ship to see her beloved one...
Meaning has been proved so far to pass through picture, symbols, sound, gesture, dance and almost through everything human. So meaning eventually can have one language that does not have to do with words. One that cannot always be interpreted into another language and that is why we keep it as it is.
Greek Painting
Painting is another vehicle of meaning. Here we present you the famous greek painter Nikiforos Lytras.
Stanisław Moniuszko (1819-1872) was a Polish composer, conductor and teacher. His output includes many songs and operas, and his musical style is filled with patriotic Polish folk themes. He is generally referred to as the father of Polish national opera.
Straszny Dwór (The Haunted Manor) - opera in four acts composed in years 1861-4
Straszny Dwór (The Haunted Manor) - opera in four acts composed in years 1861-4
Kostas Karyotakis, A famous Poet of Tripolis Greece
Μπαλάντα στους άδοξους ποιητές των αιώνων
Από θεούς κι ανθρώπους μισημένοι,σαν άρχοντες που εξέπεσαν πικροί,μαραίνονται οι Βερλαίν· τους απομένειπλούτος η ρίμα πλούσια και αργυρή.Οι Ουγκό με «Τιμωρίες» την τρομερήτων Ολυμπίων εκδίκηση μεθούνε.Μα εγώ θα γράψω μια λυπητερήμπαλάντα στους ποιητές άδοξοι που ‘ναι
Αν έζησαν οι Πόε δυστυχισμένοι,και αν οι Μπωντλαίρ εζήσανε νεκροί,η Αθανασία τούς είναι χαρισμένη.Κανένας όμως δεν ανιστορείκαι το έρεβος εσκέπασε βαρύτους στιχουργούς που ανάξια στιχουργούνε.Μα εγώ σαν προσφορά κάνω ιερήμπαλάντα στους ποιητές άδοξοι που’ ναι.
Του κόσμου η καταφρόνια τούς βαραίνεικι αυτοί περνούνε αλύγιστοι κι ωχροί,στην τραγική απάτη τους δομένοιπως κάπου πέρα η Δόξα καρτερεί,παρθένα βαθυστόχαστα ιλαρή.Μα ξέροντας πως όλοι τούς ξεχνούνε,νοσταλγικά εγώ κλαίω τη θλιβερήμπαλάντα στους ποιητές άδοξοι που ‘ναι
Και κάποτε οι μελλούμενοι καιροί:«Ποιος άδοξος ποιητής» θέλω να πούνε«την έγραψε μιαν έτσι πενιχρήμπαλάντα στους ποιητές άδοξοι που ‘ναι;»
Balladeto the forgotten poets of the ages
Detested by both men and gods,like nobles who have bitterly decayed,the Verlaines wither; wealth remainsto them, of rich and silvery rhyme.With "Les Chatiments" the Hugos are intoxicatedby their terrible Olympian revenge.But I shall write a sorrowfulballade to the forgotten poets.
Though the Poes have lived in misery,and though the Baudelaires have suffered living deaths,they ve all been granted Immortality.Yet no-one now remembers,and the deepest darkness has completely buried,every poetaster who produced limp poetry.But I make as an offering this reverentballade to the forgotten poets.
The world's disdain is heaped on them,but they pass by, unyielding, pallid,sacrifices to the tragic fraud thatout there somewhere Glory waits for them,that wise and merry virgin.But knowing that they re all due for oblivion,I weep nostalgically this sorrowfulballade to the forgotten poets.
And off in some far future epoch:"What forgotten poet" I should like it to be asked"has written such a beggarlyballade to the forgotten poets?"
Από θεούς κι ανθρώπους μισημένοι,σαν άρχοντες που εξέπεσαν πικροί,μαραίνονται οι Βερλαίν· τους απομένειπλούτος η ρίμα πλούσια και αργυρή.Οι Ουγκό με «Τιμωρίες» την τρομερήτων Ολυμπίων εκδίκηση μεθούνε.Μα εγώ θα γράψω μια λυπητερήμπαλάντα στους ποιητές άδοξοι που ‘ναι
Αν έζησαν οι Πόε δυστυχισμένοι,και αν οι Μπωντλαίρ εζήσανε νεκροί,η Αθανασία τούς είναι χαρισμένη.Κανένας όμως δεν ανιστορείκαι το έρεβος εσκέπασε βαρύτους στιχουργούς που ανάξια στιχουργούνε.Μα εγώ σαν προσφορά κάνω ιερήμπαλάντα στους ποιητές άδοξοι που’ ναι.
Του κόσμου η καταφρόνια τούς βαραίνεικι αυτοί περνούνε αλύγιστοι κι ωχροί,στην τραγική απάτη τους δομένοιπως κάπου πέρα η Δόξα καρτερεί,παρθένα βαθυστόχαστα ιλαρή.Μα ξέροντας πως όλοι τούς ξεχνούνε,νοσταλγικά εγώ κλαίω τη θλιβερήμπαλάντα στους ποιητές άδοξοι που ‘ναι
Και κάποτε οι μελλούμενοι καιροί:«Ποιος άδοξος ποιητής» θέλω να πούνε«την έγραψε μιαν έτσι πενιχρήμπαλάντα στους ποιητές άδοξοι που ‘ναι;»
Balladeto the forgotten poets of the ages
Detested by both men and gods,like nobles who have bitterly decayed,the Verlaines wither; wealth remainsto them, of rich and silvery rhyme.With "Les Chatiments" the Hugos are intoxicatedby their terrible Olympian revenge.But I shall write a sorrowfulballade to the forgotten poets.
Though the Poes have lived in misery,and though the Baudelaires have suffered living deaths,they ve all been granted Immortality.Yet no-one now remembers,and the deepest darkness has completely buried,every poetaster who produced limp poetry.But I make as an offering this reverentballade to the forgotten poets.
The world's disdain is heaped on them,but they pass by, unyielding, pallid,sacrifices to the tragic fraud thatout there somewhere Glory waits for them,that wise and merry virgin.But knowing that they re all due for oblivion,I weep nostalgically this sorrowfulballade to the forgotten poets.
And off in some far future epoch:"What forgotten poet" I should like it to be asked"has written such a beggarlyballade to the forgotten poets?"
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Not many people except the Polish know this singer, so it's worth to share his music.
We've used his songs in many school performances: Valentine's Day, Spring Day, Education Day...etc
Next time we're going to present more modern music :-)
Marek Grechuta (1945-2006) was a Polish singer, songwriter, composer, and lyricist,famous and beloved in Poland throughout his professional musical career.
Grechuta scored a large number of popular hits, with his songs often characterized by his use of poetic and literary elements.
“Unceratainty” is a poem by Adam Mickewicz
Adam Mickiewicz (1798 – 1855) is generally regarded as the greatest Polish Romantic poet.
Listen to Marek Grechuta singing “Uncerainty”
How does the Polish laguage sound?
Adam Mickiewicz
Gdy cię nie widzę, nie wzdycham, nie płaczę,
Nie tracę zmysłów, kiedy cię zobaczę;
Jednakże gdy cię długo nie oglądam,
Czegoś mi braknie, kogoś widzieć żądam;
I tęskniąc sobie zadaję pytanie:
Czy to jest przyjaźń? czy to jest kochanie?
Gdy z oczu znikniesz, nie mogę ni razu
W myśli twojego odnowić obrazu?
Jednakże nieraz czuję mimo chęci,
Że on jest zawsze blisko mej pamięci.
I znowu sobie powtarzam pytanie:
Czy to jest przyjaźń? czy to jest kochanie?
Cierpiałem nieraz, nie myślałem wcale,
Abym przed tobą szedł wylewać żale;
Idąc bez celu, nie pilnując drogi,
Sam nie pojmuję, jak w twe zajdę progi;
I wchodząc sobie zadaję pytanie;
Co tu mię wiodło? przyjaźń czy kochanie?
by Adam Mickiewicz
While I don't see you, I don't shed a tear
I never lose my senses when you're near,
But, with our meetings few and far between
There's something missing, waiting to be seen.
Is there a name for what I'm thinking of?
Are we just friends? Or should I call this love?
As soon as we have said our last good-byes,
Your image never floats before my eyes;
But more than once, when you have been long gone,
I seemed to feel your presence linger on.
I wonder then what I've been thinking of.
Are we just friends? Or should I call this love?
When I'm downcast, I never seek relief
By pouring out my heart in tales of grief;
Yet, as I wander aimlessly, once more
I somehow end up knocking at your door;
What brought me here? What am I thinking of?
Are we just friends? Or should I call this love?
translator not known
We've used his songs in many school performances: Valentine's Day, Spring Day, Education Day...etc
Next time we're going to present more modern music :-)
Marek Grechuta (1945-2006) was a Polish singer, songwriter, composer, and lyricist,famous and beloved in Poland throughout his professional musical career.
Grechuta scored a large number of popular hits, with his songs often characterized by his use of poetic and literary elements.
“Unceratainty” is a poem by Adam Mickewicz
Adam Mickiewicz (1798 – 1855) is generally regarded as the greatest Polish Romantic poet.
Listen to Marek Grechuta singing “Uncerainty”
How does the Polish laguage sound?
Adam Mickiewicz
Gdy cię nie widzę, nie wzdycham, nie płaczę,
Nie tracę zmysłów, kiedy cię zobaczę;
Jednakże gdy cię długo nie oglądam,
Czegoś mi braknie, kogoś widzieć żądam;
I tęskniąc sobie zadaję pytanie:
Czy to jest przyjaźń? czy to jest kochanie?
Gdy z oczu znikniesz, nie mogę ni razu
W myśli twojego odnowić obrazu?
Jednakże nieraz czuję mimo chęci,
Że on jest zawsze blisko mej pamięci.
I znowu sobie powtarzam pytanie:
Czy to jest przyjaźń? czy to jest kochanie?
Cierpiałem nieraz, nie myślałem wcale,
Abym przed tobą szedł wylewać żale;
Idąc bez celu, nie pilnując drogi,
Sam nie pojmuję, jak w twe zajdę progi;
I wchodząc sobie zadaję pytanie;
Co tu mię wiodło? przyjaźń czy kochanie?
by Adam Mickiewicz
While I don't see you, I don't shed a tear
I never lose my senses when you're near,
But, with our meetings few and far between
There's something missing, waiting to be seen.
Is there a name for what I'm thinking of?
Are we just friends? Or should I call this love?
As soon as we have said our last good-byes,
Your image never floats before my eyes;
But more than once, when you have been long gone,
I seemed to feel your presence linger on.
I wonder then what I've been thinking of.
Are we just friends? Or should I call this love?
When I'm downcast, I never seek relief
By pouring out my heart in tales of grief;
Yet, as I wander aimlessly, once more
I somehow end up knocking at your door;
What brought me here? What am I thinking of?
Are we just friends? Or should I call this love?
translator not known
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
When in danger, we send a mayday. A system of sending messages, using dots and dashes or short and long sounds or flashes of light, is called Morse code. More information here or here
See the presentations of our pupils with this topic in certain post of this blog.
Facial expressions

... paintings by Janka Mondryová, 11 years old
When in danger, we send a mayday. A system of sending messages, using dots and dashes or short and long sounds or flashes of light, is called Morse code. More information here or here
See the presentations of our pupils with this topic in certain post of this blog.
Facial expressions

... paintings by Janka Mondryová, 11 years old
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Lyrics from C: Real (Rock Band from Greece)
Here below there are the lyrics of the song that our classmates from the Polish team required. We hope you like them!
C:Real - "Κάθε μου σκέψη"
Μεσ΄τα μάτια μου κλείνω όσα θυμάμαι
και δεν αφήνω τη δική σου εικόνα
να ξεθωριάσει μέσα στο φως
Κάθε μου σκέψη κάθε ανάσα φωτιά
φοράει τη δική σου ματιά
είσαι κάθε μου σκέψη κάθε ταξίδι κρυφό
μα ξέρω δεν είναι αρκετό να σ΄αγαπώ
Κάπου χάθηκε η αγάπη
μεσ΄ της ψυχής μου το μονοπάτι
κι η καρδιά μου να ξέρεις
πάλι στα μαύρα έχει ντυθεί
Κάθε μου σκέψη κάθε ανάσα φωτιά
φοράει τη δική σου ματιά
είσαι κάθε μου σκέψη κάθε ταξίδι κρυφό
μα ξέρω δεν είναι αρκετό να σ΄αγαπώ
Μεσ΄τη σιωπή κάθε μικρή μας στιγμή
ψάχνει να σε βρει πες μου γιατί...
C: Real- "My Every thought"
Inside my eyes I close what I remember and I do not leave your own picture fade in the light.
My every thought, my every breath is fire
It wears your own glance
You are my every thought, my every secret travel
but I know it is not enough just to tell you I love you.
Somewhere love was lost
Inside the path of my soul
and my heart, you should know,
has been dressed in black again.
My every thought, my every breath is fire
It wears your own glance
You are my every thought, my every secret travel
but I know it is not enough just to tell you I love you.
Inside the silence every one of our small moments searches to find you
Tell me why…
Μεσ΄τα μάτια μου κλείνω όσα θυμάμαι
και δεν αφήνω τη δική σου εικόνα
να ξεθωριάσει μέσα στο φως
Κάθε μου σκέψη κάθε ανάσα φωτιά
φοράει τη δική σου ματιά
είσαι κάθε μου σκέψη κάθε ταξίδι κρυφό
μα ξέρω δεν είναι αρκετό να σ΄αγαπώ
Κάπου χάθηκε η αγάπη
μεσ΄ της ψυχής μου το μονοπάτι
κι η καρδιά μου να ξέρεις
πάλι στα μαύρα έχει ντυθεί
Κάθε μου σκέψη κάθε ανάσα φωτιά
φοράει τη δική σου ματιά
είσαι κάθε μου σκέψη κάθε ταξίδι κρυφό
μα ξέρω δεν είναι αρκετό να σ΄αγαπώ
Μεσ΄τη σιωπή κάθε μικρή μας στιγμή
ψάχνει να σε βρει πες μου γιατί...
C: Real- "My Every thought"
Inside my eyes I close what I remember and I do not leave your own picture fade in the light.
My every thought, my every breath is fire
It wears your own glance
You are my every thought, my every secret travel
but I know it is not enough just to tell you I love you.
Somewhere love was lost
Inside the path of my soul
and my heart, you should know,
has been dressed in black again.
My every thought, my every breath is fire
It wears your own glance
You are my every thought, my every secret travel
but I know it is not enough just to tell you I love you.
Inside the silence every one of our small moments searches to find you
Tell me why…
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Greek Music
Music is not only a vehicle of sound but also of Language. We share with you the music of a modern Greek band, that is called "C Real". The song is called "Kathe mou skepsi", which in Greek means "My every thought". Dedicated to all our friends from the other Schools. Many greetings to all and our "kathe skepsi" for you! Listen to the music very loud!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
6th Class of the 10th Primary School (Greece)
A warm greeting from the 6th Class of our Primary School. From Tripolis Greece with lots of love.
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